Friends of the Julian Library (FOJL), a tax deductible 501c(3) organization, supports the Julian library, including purchasing EXTRAS such as newly published books, DVDs, music CDs, audio books, and magazines to enhance the library collection. FOJL also funds services and materials needed to bring a wide variety of educational and entertaining programs to the library:
- Music on the Mountain — Concert performances by musicians and songwriters
- Arts & Letters — Presentations by Authors, Artists, Poets, etc.
- Programs for children, teens, and adults; Arts and Crafts for all ages
The Bookstore is OPEN during library hours. Donated books are cleaned, sorted, and sold to provide funds for purchases and programs to enhance our library. Donations may be brought to the library. Boxes of books are best left in the back.
Julian Branch Library
1850 Highway 78
Julian, CA 92036